
Wednesday, 19 June 2019

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Rotorua hot pools

I am at Rotorua hot pools. I can see shallow mud pools. I can see some sharp grey rocks. I can see hot steam rising. I can see gurgling mud going plop plop plop. I can feel the hot murky water. I can feel the mud squishing. Etween my toes. The air smells like rotten eggs. 

Wednesday, 5 June 2019

Describing the beach

I can see a beach. I can see some blue water. I can hear the waves. I can hear some seagulls. I can feel the cold water. I can feel the crunchy sand. I can smell the salt water. I can smell the fresh air. 

Friday, 24 May 2019


Character Writing

My Character is a superhero. His name is Joseph. He looks strong. He. An flHand has laser eyes. He can fight.

Friday, 10 May 2019

My pick a path story

Today I walked to school. The sun was shining. Do I walk along the beach or go through the forest?

Forest. I walked to the forest and I climbed a tree. Do I walk along the beach or go through the shop?

Beach. I went to the beach and I built a sandcastle.

finally I arrived at school.

Friday, 22 March 2019

Kid on the Point

Hello my name is VJ   

I am an awesome Kid on the Point. I eat my healthy lunch. In my lunchbox I have a yogurt, a sandwich and  a peach.

I wear my school uniform with pride. I wear my hat outside. I am kind, I am helpful and I know the Pt England Way. I make my family proud and I remember my culture. I work hard at my learning. I like to run around outside.

Thursday, 28 February 2019

Our Playground

We went to the Playground. We climbed up the ladder. I like to play on the swing. I can climb on the monkey bars. I am happy.